Those of you that know me also know my history with this evil machine.
I also have a safety tip for folks that may be visiting fairs this fall; Do not stand directly under this ride. You’ll save yourself a trip to the cleaners. π
The Freedom Train visited Kalamazoo, MI in July 1975. I was still shooting with my Dad’s old Pony 135 in those days.
Back in ’86 I spent a few summer weeks in Aspen Colorado. I have many indelible memories from my time there. Many of them are of the awe inspiring beauty of the landscape. Β Yes, that is snow… in July.
And then there is the memory of almost being killed by a spider… that is a story for another time.
I’ve fallen off the pace here a bit – work commitments have kept me busy the last few weeks and show no sign of slowing. I guess I’ll have to cut back on my time spent watching cat videos. π