2017 photo100 – #6
This shot is from my first-ever stadium rock show, Boston, in 1979. The film stock was Illford HP5 ‘pushed’ beyond any resonable (at the time) speed of 3200 ISO. I remember not being able to hear too well for a few days and hearing some guy called ‘Sammy Haggar’ as the openning act.
You can see all the 2017 Photo100 shots on my Flickr page here: http://bit.ly/2017photo100

photo100 – #77
My first rock concert – Boston at Wing’s Stadium in Kalamazoo (yes folks, there really is a Kalamazoo). I borrowed the ‘big lens’ (135mm) from the school and then wormed my way down to the floor in front of the band.
My ears rang for days.
You can see all the 2015 Photo100 shots on my Flickr page here: http://bit.ly/2015photo100

photo100 – #52
The Freedom Train visited Kalamazoo, MI in July 1975. I was still shooting with my Dad’s old Pony 135 in those days.
You can see all the 2015 Photo100 shots on my Flickr page here: http://bit.ly/2015photo100
Digital Media and whatever else flows through my head…