2017 photo100 – #24
Soo…. It’s june and I’m only up to 24 of 100 this year — I’m a bit behind the pace. However, the summer music festival season is upon us and that should catch me up. 😉
You can see all the 2017 Photo100 shots on my Flickr page here: http://bit.ly/2017photo100

photo100 – #75
You can see all the 2015 Photo100 shots on my Flickr page here: http://bit.ly/2015photo100

photo365 – Day 160
This was taken right before a wave crashed over me and drowned my cell phone. Rice and blow drier to the rescue!
You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/streamingmeemee/sets/721576392961719
Digital Media and whatever else flows through my head…