Spiders Gone Wild
photo365 – Day 167
You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here:… fb.me/6yGNOwkfu
Spiders Gone Wild
photo365 – Day 167
You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here:… fb.me/6yGNOwkfu
photo365 – Day 167
You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/streamingmeemee/sets/721576392961719
Dad workin’ the stumper
photo365 – Day 166
When I was in High School my father owned a stump grinding machine…. fb.me/6Wevmc5iy
photo365 – Day 166
When I was in High School my father owned a stump grinding machine. I spent many an hour with him maintaining and running it. It was dirty, dusty, dangerous work and I loved it because I was with my Dad.
You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/streamingmeemee/sets/721576392961719
My Dad, the greatest man I know.
Happy Father’s Day.
There will be no discussion of the ‘suit’. fb.me/6ykMGWStN
Oddly enough, I have no words for this. fb.me/31gw4tgqk