Zach Djanikian w/ Amos Lee Band – 2014 Lowell Summer Music Series

photo365 – Day 213

I think this one should be subtitled ‘I blew and blew until I was blue in the face.’

Another ‘no professional cameras’ show coupled with dark ‘dramatic’ lighting equate to no good shots of this show for Tim.

You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here:

South Haven, MI Lighthouse – circa 1977

photo365 – Day 212

I wonder what I was thinking here… I should have walked the 30 feet to the edge of the beach to get the shot without the cars in it. Oh well, at least now we get to see some ‘classic’ cars.

I wonder what those two in the Plymouth are up to? 😉

You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here:

Digital Media and whatever else flows through my head…