This would be interesting if I bothered to own an iPod

There about as many FM transmitter accessories for the iPod as there are smells in the T but this one has something different. This unit from Kensington transmits Artist name, track and album titles to your RDS equiped FM receiver.

For those non-geeks among us this means that your car stereo will now display artist, track and album names while they are being played back from your iPod. Sweet.

Now if only they made A2DP compliant car stereos so that I could playback from my beloved Audiovox SMT5600

Kensington RDS FM Transmitter/Car Charger for iPod

A copyright decision that I agree with — Amazing!

It should come as no surprise to any regular readers of my blog that I feel that copyright laws have been controverted into a blunt instrument used by the media companies to beat customers into submission.  However, in this case, the shining beacon of reason has burst forth.

In his opinion Judge Richard P. Matsch stated that the practice of commercially santizing movies was an ‘illegitmate business’ that caused ‘irreparable injury to the creative artistic expression in the copyrighted movies.”.

Most Hollywood blockbusters not withstanding, movies are an art form and should be viewed as realized by the creative people that created it.  Can you imagine Michelangelo’s David with the middle 1/3 removed?  I thought not.

CBC Arts: Axing sex, swearing from films violates copyright: court

What not to do on your last day on the job

I normally pay scant attention to sports but we were invited by a friend to watch the World Cup finals (in HD thank you very much) and drink some adult beverages.  We were happily chatting away, my interest having wained a bit after 120+ minutes of non-scoring ‘action’ when I noticed a quick jump cut and an Italian player flying through the air.

A quick flick of the Tivo remote and the amazing details of the event were reveiled.  Apparently unprovoked, premeditated (he obvioulsy check to be sure the ref. wasn’t watching) and a bit surreal.  This behaviour would not be tolerated in an NHL game, could it possible be acceptable during an event as prestigious as World Cup?  Happily, a line official did witness it and he was tossed.

Zidane must have had one too many balls to head.  He decided, during the final game of a World Cup, as captain of his national team, during his last game with that team, that it was a good idea to head butt an opposing team member.  Despite his illustrious career, whatever other accomplishments he has acchieved, he’ll be remember for this event.  Not exactly the legacy one would strive to leave behind.

Sadly, it seems that the players at the highest levels of professional sports are guilty of violently anti-social behaviour, both on and off the field.  How are these people still employed?  If anyone in the ‘normal world’ head-butted a co-worker on the job they would very likely be immediatly terminated and charged with a crime.  What were the consequences of this holligans actions?  tossed from the game (and some may argue the end of France’s chances to win the Cup).

If this is an example of World Cup play then I’m glad I missed it. – 2006 World Cup – Zidane sent off for headbutt in farewell match – Sunday July 9, 2006 7:18PM

Digital Media and whatever else flows through my head…