…then he said the magic word… TIGER!

Extraordinary! Everywhere we look is a perfect picture. I have no clue how I’m going to edit down the massive number of photos we’ve taken. I have no idea how I would have done this with a film camera.

The highlight of the last few days, and for me the high point of the trip, was a visit to the Ranthambore Nature Park. Of course the main goal was to see a tiger, but the park has a large number of other indigenous animals. We saw sambar deer, spotted deer, macaque monkeys, mongoose, tree pies, green parrots to name just a few. It wasn’t until the second of two trips through the park, bouncing furiously on the two-track trail, when the spotter indicated that we should all be quiet. He then after a few tense seconds, pointed into the woods and uttered the word I had been hoping to hear… TIGER!

We lingered for almost an hour as she rolled around under the shade, played in a small pond, and then trotted off. It was amazing!

I’ve uploaded a few new pics to the Flickr photostream. As always, you can see them on the left, just click on them to see bigger versions.

There is PLENTY of other stuff to share, but connection time is precious. More later…

Update [2008-dec-14]: I’ve added links in the original post that lead to related pics in my Flickr India trip photo set. The entire set (319 shots) can be viewed as a slide show here.

India – We made it!

We arrived in Delhi a few days ago, safe and sound, albeit a bit tired. It has been a non-stop sensory assault ever since! I only have a few minutes to send this update so I have to be brief.

In these last few days we’ve see the the Tomb of Akbar the Great, the Taj Mahal, the Agra fort, the ‘Baby Taj’, large extents of the Indian countryside and tons more. Everywhere you look there is a photograph. After only a few days here it has really struck home to me that we in the ‘States really have almost nothing when it comes to great monuments of historic human construction.

I’ve upload a few highlights from the last few days into my Flickr account. You can get there by clicking on any of the pics on the left side.

More later!

StreamingMeeMee, International Man of Mystery

One of the nice things about being pseud-anonymous is that I can talk about real-life events without much chance of a stalker showing up at my door.

I’m preparing for a vacation trip to India.

Taj MahalWe have joined a tour sponsored by WGBH that will take us across the northern areas of the sub-continent and include visits to the Taj Mahal, a tiger preserve, ancient cities, grand temples and more. I am very excited; India has been on my list of places to visit before I die for a long time and the opportunity made it very easy. India is the type of place that I would not consider going on my own so a tour was a perfect choice.

I’ve already stocked up on memory cards for my digital camera and will be bringing along a laptop as a backup mechanism. I hope to be able to post along the way via Internet cafes or hotel broadband connections. I’ll also be posting highlight pics to my Flickr photostream so that the folks at home can follow along.

So get comfy, pass the naan and prepare to share a trip of a lifetime!

Staples Radio

Staples Logo (GIF) I’ve come to understand that all startups have one thing in common; the first BIG customer is a firedrill but incredibly rewarding.

For my latest startup Staples is that BIG customer. Staples Radio went live in 1250+ Staples retail locations on the 15th.This is a project over a year in the making and represents advances in delivery technology and business models on several levels.

Time for a deep breath, a nice relaxing weekend, and when Monday rolls around onward to the next BIGger customer.

Music to the Maxx!

TJMaxx logoSo if you are in a TJ Maxx store before the end of October and someone asks you if you like the music you say “Yes! I love it! I’ll definately be coming back more often now!”.

Ok, say it with me… “Yes! I love it! I’ll definately be coming back more often now!”.

I knew you could. 😉

Music to the Maxx!

So if you are in a TJ Maxx store before the end of October and someone asks you if you like the music you say “Yes! I love it! I’ll definately be coming back more often now!”.

Ok, say it with me… “Yes! I love it! I’ll definately be coming back more often now!”.

I knew you could. 😉

Digital Media and whatever else flows through my head…