I’ve got the playlist up to about 300 tracks including a bunch of Christmas tracks. It’s running a basic shuffle mode right now but at least it’s back on the air.
You can hear it for yourself via the link below.
I’ve got the playlist up to about 300 tracks including a bunch of Christmas tracks. It’s running a basic shuffle mode right now but at least it’s back on the air.
You can hear it for yourself via the link below.
A bikini top that is covered with solar cells and wired to charge a USB device. I’m sure there are some jokes there based on the fact that the larger the… umm… top the more ‘juice’ is generated. I won’t reduce myself to that kinda humor. 😉
After years of the gracious hospitality of a long-time friend Dreamland Blues Radio is moving to a new home. I was not able to finish construction of the new site before the old site was taken down so things are up in the air for a bit.
Fear not, after 9 years I’m not about to give up now! Talk amoungst yourself until I get things patched back together.
Yes, I know.. I’ve been horribly neglecting my blog peeps of late but I’ve been busy. No, really! There was this guy and he had a dog that could speak…
Ok, so if I were using Skype and this new plug-in you would have know that I was telling a whopper. A bit on the ooky side for me.
We shot over 1520 images during our trip to India! We’ve spent the last 3 weekends reviewing them, tossing the obviously ‘bad’ ones and tweaking some of our faves.
Now comes the hard part… carving that list down to a management number that I can post to my Flickr account. In the mean time I’m going to return the photo stream link on the left to point back to my camphone pics.
Tonight we give our good-byes to our new friends and leave for home. I’ve posted a few more shots on the photo stream but this will be it until we return.
After the food we’ve had the last 10 days I’m sure the food back home will be very bland. But I am looking forward to sleeping in the same bed for more than 2 nights in a row.
See ya when we get home!