Is this the party to whom I am speaking?

I vascillate between being incredibly paranoid (I shreaded my cereal boxes only that one time!) and sharing quite a bit about myself online.  For example, you can find my picture various places online but you won’t find my street address, phone number, etc.

But most people don’t know just how much Google knows about them.

For example, you can find a phone number for most folks by entering their last name and zip code.  If you’re like me and rather not have people Google your phone number they have thoughtfully provided a method for you to remove it.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to adjust my tin-foil hat… Those pesky aliens are trying to tell me that Paris Hilton is hot again.

Google PhoneBook Name Removal

Comments on this design?

I'm searching for a new graphical design for the site. This is one of many themes available for use with Drupal, the content management system I have chosen for use on the new site.

Please take a minute and drop me a comment (below) and let me know what you think of it.



Dreamland Blues Radio lives!

After a way-too long hiatus, the DLB Radio web site is rising from the ashes of the former server. That trusty old Compaq machine let out a final gasp and released the 'magic blue smoke'.

That was about 9 months ago...

Please pardon our dust as I patch things back together with a renewed energy for sharing the Blues with you!

C U on the bitstream,


Digital Media and whatever else flows through my head…