I’m running the FrameAlbum service on a very modest server. I limited all the channels to a maximum of 100 photos to reduce the load on the server.
I’ve moved parts of the service to a new, more capable server. I’ve increased the limit to 200 photos to see how this new machine performs. Assuming it performs well I’ll bump it up again in the near future.
While Irene was busy stripping the leaves from my trees I was working on the feed generator. Somewhere along the way I managed to change it in a way that my borrowed Toshiba frame does not like — it reports ‘Connect to online service failed’ errors. <sigh>
Anyone else getting that on your Toshiba frame? (My Kodak frame is working just fine.)
I’m testing a new channel type to add weather radar images to your frame feeds. It isn’t ready for integration into the website but considering the weather on the ‘right coast’ I thought I would make this offer:
If you would like to have a weather radar image added to your frame drop me an email at framealbum at gmail dot com with your FrameAlbum username and your ZIP code. I’ll manually add it to your channels.
Those of you using the FrameAlbum DNS server to redirect your frame may have encountered a bit of trouble today. In this context ‘a bit of trouble’ means total failure of your frame to retrieve the feed from the FrameAlbum service. ;-( It may have exhitibed itself as a ‘DNS ERR; RSS invalid’ error, or simply ‘unable to contact service’ message.
I am in the process of building greater redundancy into the system and inadvertently mis-typed a password used by the DNS server to access the database server. We in the business refer to this as a ‘fat finger’ error. 😉
The issue has been resolved and the DNS server is back to normal operation.
I pushed some new code to the FrameAlbum website today. This is a small update to improve the messaging on the status of a channel. It will now inform you if the system was unable to find a matching username on Flickr/PicasaWeb. It will also tell you how many photos were added to a channel during the last update cycle.
As always, feedback is appreciated.
Digital Media and whatever else flows through my head…