I’m updating the software on www.framealbum.com today. It may be a bit less stable that usual.
I’m putting in the pieces to support the first phase of support Facebook photo support.
You’re welcome. 😉
I’m updating the software on www.framealbum.com today. It may be a bit less stable that usual.
I’m putting in the pieces to support the first phase of support Facebook photo support.
You’re welcome. 😉
I’m pushing a few minor changes into production today. It should have not impact but if you see anything odd please contact me right away.
If you, or someone you know, may have some knowledge of how these things ‘talk’ to the old FrameChannel service I am VERY interested in chatting with you. I’m particularly interested in the folks who developed the software that runs on the DSM-210 frame, or, anyone from FrameChannel who may have access to the old protocol specs.
Thanks in advance.
In response to feedback from several FrameAlbum users I’ve added a few interface changes to the website today.
New delete actions
Previously there was a ‘delete’ checkbox on the frame and channel edit pages but it wasn’t very obvious. I’ve added a clickable ‘delete’ action icon on the frame and channel info. pages to save a few clicks and to make things a bit more obvious. I’ve also changed the ‘edit’ action from a text link to an icon
Minor format changes
The title text is a bit larger, the channel icons should be more consistently sized.
Sample images no longer mangled
I’ve fixed the formatting of the sample images in the channel displays. They will now maintain their original aspect ration and not be forced into a square shape.
These changes are live on the site now. I hope you find them useful.
Geek-speak alert!
I will be digging into the technical issues of adding support for this frame to the FrameAlbum service. I’ll be using terms such as ‘DNS server’, ‘XML’, ‘packet capture’ and ‘negatively charged penguin bladders’ so if these are unknown/offensive to you read on at your peril.
Continue reading Viewsonic VFP-838-11 support on FrameAlbum