Regent Theater mural by José Narezo

2017 photo100 – #91

I’m a bit perplexed on the copyright on this one; the mural was painted by José Narezo but I captured this image of it. So I went with a copyright on this image of the mural.

The mural is painted on the rear exterior wall of the historic Regent Theater in my home town of Allegan Michigan. The Regent is a art deco style opened in 1919 in a former horse livery. It is run by a non-profit and is in use as a first-run movie theater. You can learn more about the Regent here: and see the current movie schedules here:

You can see all my Photo100 shots on my Flickr page here:


Boston Net Neutrality Rally

2017 photo100 – #87

I attended the Boston Net Neutrality Protest/Rally this week. It was held in front of a Verizon store but they are by far not the only entity pushing the FCC to drop all semblance of network neutrality.

You can see all my Photo100 shots on my Flickr page here:

In Case Of Fire

2017 photo100 – #86

In light of the Pearl Harbor anniversary I thought it appropriate to post a service related photo. This image is another of my Dad’s from his service in Korea. Sadly, I don’t have any information on the staff sargent pictured here.

You can see all my Photo100 shots on my Flickr page here:


Digital Media and whatever else flows through my head…