Mmm… Coke
photo365 – Day 122
This shot was taken by my life partner Lori. She has a fantastic eye and I often…
Mmm… Coke
photo365 – Day 122
This shot was taken by my life partner Lori. She has a fantastic eye and I often…
photo365 – Day 121
I spent many an hour in this humble vehicle. Neither trumpet, nor dune, nor pond,…
photo365 – Day 121
I spent many an hour in this humble vehicle. Neither trumpet, nor dune, nor pond, nor parking lot post could stop this faithful machine!
You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here:
photo365 – Day 120
You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here:
fbwall, golf course, ma, Nantucket, photo365, sunset
Nantucket Golf Club Sunset
photo365 – Day 120
You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here:…
Photo365 – Day 119
I captured this shot during a performance of the Bread and Puppet Theater Company at the 2011 Bread and Roses celebration in Lawrence, MA.
You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here:
bread and puppet, bread and roses, costume, fbwall, lawrence, live music, ma, photo365, puppet, theater