photo365 – Day 147
You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here:
photo365 – Day 147
You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here:
Dad’s Office
photo365 – Day 146
This is a photo of my Dad’s ‘office’ during the Korean War. He was a radio…
photo365 – Day 146
This is a photo of my Dad’s ‘office’ during the Korean War. He was a radio operator on cargo planes such as the C-119 ‘Flying Boxcar’ and the C-47. I don’t know in which plane this photo was taken.
You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here:
Dad, Thanks for your Service
photo365 – Day 145
My Dad is simply the Greatest Man I Know. Although Dad,…
photo365 – Day 145
My Dad is simply the Greatest Man I Know. Although Dad, thankfully, survived his service in the Korean War I feel like I don’t thank him enough. Thanks Dad.
You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here:
Duke Robillard – 2011 Lowell Summer Music Series
photo365 – Day 144
All my shots from this show are viewable on…