Category Archives: Photos

Untitled; no really, I’ve got nothin’ for this.

Photo365 – Day 119

I captured this shot during a performance of the Bread and Puppet Theater Company at the 2011 Bread and Roses celebration in Lawrence, MA.

You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here:

bread and puppet, bread and roses, costume, fbwall, lawrence, live music, ma, photo365, puppet, theater

Photo365 Project

I’ve been taking pictures for a rather long time. During that time I have collected a large catalog of photos, most of which no one has ever seen. I want to change that.

With the beginning of the new year I started a new project; Photo365.  I have be posting a photo a day, every day (that I can manage), this year. Most will be old shots that have not seen the light of day but I’ll also be posting new shots as well.

I primarily post them on my Flickr photostream and I’ll be including them here as well.  You can see the entire set of photos here.

I’ll warn you now; not all of them will be great. In fact, some of them will be downright weird but if any of them make you smile, inspire you to pick up your own camera or perhaps just pause a moment to enjoy a nice picture, I’ll be happy.

Lion Sculpture – New York Public Library, New York City

Photo365 – Day 118

This shot is from “The Best Camera Is The One You Have With You’ department. It was captured by my Nexus S phone. With a little tweaking in Lightroom this is a quite reasonable image.

You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here:

b&w, library, lion, new york, nexus s, NYC, phonecam, photo365, public

Shoot now, focus later…

The new Lytro ‘camera’ is unusual in many ways. The first thing you notice is it’s unusual shape; more akin to a pencil box than a camera. You may also notice that there is no focus ring, in fact it has only one control — a shutter release.

The new Lytro ‘camera’ is unusual in many ways. The first thing you notice is it’s unusual shape; more akin to a pencil box than a camera. You may also notice that there is no focus ring, in fact it has only one control — a shutter release.

What you won’t notice until you begin using it is the real magic. It’s hard to explain without seeing it in action but basically it allows you to choose the ‘in focus’ portion of your picture after you have taken it.

What you won’t notice until you begin using it is the real magic. It’s hard to explain without seeing it in action but basically it allows you to choose the ‘in focus’ portion of your picture after you have taken it.

You can read more about it here and here.