Category Archives: Photo365

If these are the eggs, how big is the chicken?

2018 photo100 – #4

These ‘eggs’ are actually the digesting vessels at the Deer Island Wastewater Treatment Facllity in Boston Harbor.

It is actually quite a nice park with well groomed and maintained walking trails and fabulous views of the Boston skyline. Well worth the time to visit.

For the photo nerds, this was shot with my OnePlus One smartphone’s built-in camera. No external lenses or filters were used.

You can see all the images in the 2018 Photo100 project here:

Reflecting on the Future

2018 photo100 – #2

This was one of those moments when you see a great image coming and you hope you can capture it. This young mother, her child, and a friend were riding the trolley through Boarding House Park in Lowell. The trolly tracks run behind the stage. I was there for the Banjo and Fiddle festival. I was backstage shooting some of the artists when the trolley comes running through and this scene presented itself.

It is becoming one of my favorite images.

You can see all the images in the 2018 Photo100 project here: