Well, it seems that those knuckle heads over at AOL have belched up a “Oops, my bad” for the release of the search data from 500,000 of it’s subscribers.
“This was a screw-up, and we’re angry and upset about it.” spewed the spokes-mouth. “We’ve launched an internal investigation into what happened…” should be read as “We’re going to eviscerate the poor schlub who got an OK from his boss without realizing his boss didn’t have the authority to authorize such things.”
I’ve worked with plenty of ex-AOL people, engineers and ‘managers’ alike. The engineering folks are a bright bunch with first class skills. I have a distinctly different opinion of the ‘management class’; they are rife with two-faced, responsibility dodging, finger pointing, attention seeking dullards who fire those that ask ‘Why?” a few too many times.
But seriously, I think AOL should call each and every one of the subscribers who search data were released and apologize. And I don’t mean a call from a $3/day flunky in some offshore call center, I mean from the kibble-brain that approved the release of this data, personally.
AOL apologizes for release of user search data | CNET News.com