All posts by streamingmeemee

Wanna see some pictures? FrameAlbum ready for feed testing!

I’ve decided to focus first on the creation of custom Photo RSS feeds so that folks who are unable/unwilling to manipulate their DNS servers to redirect the old FramChannel URLs will be able to use FrameAlbum.

I’d like some folks to test the demo feed I’ve built using the FrameAlbum service.  This is not a hand-coded RSS feed, it was built and served completely by the new service.

To participate in the testing all you need do is enter this URL into your frame’s ‘Custom Photo URL’ feed feature:

Please let me know if you have any issues.


FrameAlbum, Allllmooooost ready….

Pre-registration is going strong; 250+ so far.  Thank you to all that have registered so far.

The web front-end is almost ready.  It’s butt-ugly but I’m a fan of the ‘make it work THEN make it pretty’ design philosophy. 😉  I should be releasing a few pre-registrations this weekend.

So far, only public Flickr feeds are supported.  Picasa is next on my list.

What feeds would you like to see supported?

FrameAlbum now on Facebook and Twitter

You can now follow FrameAlbum’s progress on twitter as @FrameAlbum.

I’ve also created a FaceBook page (FrameAlbum) but I need at least 25 ‘Likes’ before I can get a direct link to the page.  You can find it if you search for ‘FrameAlbum’.

Thanks for your support!


Update: So it seems that this link will get you to FrameAlbum’s page on FaceBook.

Wow! — FrameAlbum is a hit!

Over 200 people have pre-registered for FrameAlbum in only a few days!

This is incredible and far exceeds my expectations.

Thanks for your support and most importantly, spreading the word about FrameAlbum.   Please keep it up.

What frame do you have?

Work is progressing on FrameAlbum.  I was ‘distracted’ over the weekend by a family reunion but I’m back at it now with renewed vigor!

  • The website login and registration functions are almost complete.
  • Initial testing of the RSS feeds (redirected via DNS from continues.  Discovered some interesting tidbits.
  • Begun collecting data on the various digital frames supported by FrameChannel.  This is necessary to correctly format the images delivered to the various screen sizes.
On that last point I need a bit of help.  I need a list of manufacturers and model numbers of the frames that folks would like to see supported.  Please contact me directly or post a comment below.  I’ll add those to the the list for initial support.