The increase in the rates paid by streaming services to copyright holders was just too much for Live365. They abruptly closed down recently leaving we broadcasters in a bit of a tizzy.
I'm working to find a replacement and should have something up in a day or so. Please stay tuned here for updates.
Thanks for your patience.
The increase in the rates paid by streaming services to copyright holders was just too much for Live365. They abruptly closed down recently leaving we broadcasters in a bit of a tizzy.
I'm working to find a replacement and should have something up in a day or so. Please stay tuned here for updates.
Thanks for your patience.

2016 photo100 – #2
This is a very intimate venue. You can stand inches away from the talent on stage. I don’t often get this close as I feel it distracts the artist. This was taken during an encore and everyone was on their feet and crowding the stage — it was a great way to ring in 2016!
You can see all the 2016 Photo100 shots on my Flickr page here:
Digital Media and whatever else flows through my head…