photo100 – #59
Those of you that know me also know my history with this evil machine.
I also have a safety tip for folks that may be visiting fairs this fall; Do not stand directly under this ride. You’ll save yourself a trip to the cleaners. 😉
You can see all the 2015 Photo100 shots on my Flickr page here: http://bit.ly/2015photo100

photo100 – #58
You can see all the 2015 Photo100 shots on my Flickr page here: http://bit.ly/2015photo100

photo100 – #57
You can see all the 2015 Photo100 shots on my Flickr page here: http://bit.ly/2015photo100
#photo100, #monomonday, #monochrome, #architecture

photo100 – #56
Jeff and band killed it way-too-early on a very bright Saturday morning.
You can see all the 2015 Photo100 shots on my Flickr page here: http://bit.ly/2015photo100
Digital Media and whatever else flows through my head…