I’m a little pressed for time today so I’ll have to go with one of my pre-selected ‘backup’ images. I hope you can all find the musician in the mist. 😉
This was the first, and so far only, solo acoustic show I’ve attended at the Lowell Summer Music Series – one man and guitar, that’s it. A great show from a Blues Hall of Fame performer. My other shots from this show are viewable here: http://bit.ly/2011lsmshammond
This talented fellow was one of the most animated and entertaining drummers I’ve ever seen. Rather than buried in the back, his kit was set up stage front and he was very much a part of the show. There are more shots of him, and the headliner Natalie MacMaster in my Flickr photoset here: http://bit.ly/1oRxREv
This shot was taken in front of our farm near Glenn, Michigan. I do have distinct memories of the lawn chairs and of the tricycle, of course. The trellis around the front door, not so much. 😉