The moment two or three of you have been waiting for… the release of FrameAlbum 0.1.
This release includes:
- FrameChannel compatable RSS feed generation
- FrameChannel photo frame ‘protocol’ support
- Flickr, Picasa and weather radar image channels
- A crude but functional web interface to control the feeds
There is no documentation in this release; you’re rather on your own for setup & configuration. The MySQL database schema is included but there is no automated process to build the DB.
A great percentage of this code was whipped together in a frenzy of Mt. Dew and Butterfingers and I am by no measure a PHP or PERL expert so please be kind in your comments. In fact, criticisms in any form other than code patches will be sent to /dev/null. (That’s really funny to the geeks in the audience, trust me.)
You can grab the code on GitHub here: (Yes, I know that’s not a GitHub link but I’m using Bitly so that I can gauge how many folks are interested in the code.)
Now that the code is finally released I can focus on the new feature list that has been languishing for way-too-long (Facebook, I’m taking about you.)
C U on the bitstream.